Friday, August 12, 2011

Vypress Chat Free

Vypress Chat messenger is an instant messaging program designed for use within a single local area network (LAN).
There are advantages using a LAN messenger over a normal instant messenger. The LAN messenger runs inside a company or private LAN, and so an active Internet connection or a central server is not required (P2P). Only people who are inside the firewall will have access to the system. Communication data does not leave the LAN, and also the system can not be spammed from the outside (Darknet). Many
LAN messenger offer basic functionality for sending private messages, file transfer, chatrooms and graphical smileys.

You can also send and receive files from users which are in your networking area. just you have to do is that first go to the file which you want to send to other user right click on the file and you will see the option that VyChat-User Send then it will show the list of online users , then what you have to do is select the user whom you want to send your file then it will wait for the confirmation for receiving from the users then the file will be sent to the user after confirmation Have a look in this picture.  


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