Sunday, July 24, 2011

Add Non--Standard Font to Your Blog or Website

The standard font on a website usually Verdana, sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica, Georgia, Times, serif and Tahoma. But if you need new look to your blog & need your blog design look better you can use non-standard font to your blog.Now you are thinking that you cannot add non-standard font to your blog??? but, yes you can add non-standard font to your blog like the “Kaffeesatz” font  to your blog or your website.Only Kaffeesatz font can be added??
No, you can add any non-standard font to your blog. There are two easy methods to add non-standard font to a website using "Google Web Fonts"and using "Font Kit" from fontsquirrel.

A.Add Non Standard Font Using Google web fonts

  1. Open Google web fonts page here:
  2. Select the font you want then click “Use this font” tab in the next page.
  3. Follow the instruction/tutorial that found in the page to add the font to your website. 

 B.Add Non Standard Font Using Font Kits from FontSquirrel

  1. Open the fontsquirrel page here:
  2. Click on “Get Kit” link to download the font kits.
  3. Extract the file after download finished. You’ll see “demo.html” and “style sheet.css” in the extracted folder
  4. View source code the both file to explain how to embed the font into your blog/website
From the both methods above I recommended using Google web font because easy to implement and safe. This article is to answer the question from Steve Johnson “How to add non-standard font to a blog”.


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